Tag Archives: Patchwork Patterns

African Block Swap #3 and #4

What to do with a fabric that you just don’t want to cut up? Use the K.I.S.S. theory of course.

African Block Swap #3

Text fabric.

So with this fabric which has text, it was back to Jinny Beyer’s ‘The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Patterns’ to search for suitable layouts. (Page 57, pattern number 4).

Jinny Beyer

‘The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Patterns’ by Jinny Beyer

A 4 x 4 grid pattern from 1929 looked just right to highlight the text. So African Block Swap #3 was done. A bright background completes this block.

African Block Swap Block #3

African Block Swap Block #3

With some bits of the text fabric left over, what could be done with it? Another 4 x 4 grid, this time ‘Godey Design’ from 1857 looked just right. The challenge was in the drafting up of the block, and the bias cutting for the on-point setting. (Page 60, pattern number 11).

African Block Swap #4

‘Godey Design’ 1857

Boomerangs, Kangaroos and Uluru can be nothing other than Australia!
