Category Archives: Patchwork Projects

Snuggle and Read

It’s ‘Hearty’

One of my book club friends had a significant birthday, so of course a small lap quilt was the go! Just the thing to snuggle up with a good book during these cold winter months.

’Pink’ is her favourite colour, and with that start, it was off to the stash to find – luckily – enough fabrics for the task. As the birthday was imminent, it needed to be a quick simple design. Squares and rectangles lend themselves to chain piecing for a fast sew of a pattern, easy done!

‘Snuggle and Read’ a quilt for Jo’s birthday (bookclub)

Stitching in the ditch to anchor the blocks, mmmm …, okay but needs more than that to give it another level of ‘looking’.

What quilting would suit, and which quilting rulers to use – just love this part of the process – is the challenge. Two Westalee Rulers, the small arc template and the heart template fit like a glove.

Heart template

Quilting pattern of arcs and hearts


Sweet Things

One way to use up ‘left-over’ fabric.

A while back an inspiration for tackling the pile of fabric scraps came from “Successful Scrap Quilts from Simple Rectangles’ by Judy Turner and Margaret Rolfe.

‘Successful Scrap Quilts’ by Judy Turner and Margaret Rolfe.

Decisions, decisions – made easy. From then on it’s cutting ALL ‘left-overs’ into 4.5″ x 2.5″ pieces no matter what! Time is too short to cut up bits in lots of different sizes for different projects – after all, the originals have already been used in a quilt.

‘Successful Scrap Quilts’ by Judy Turner and Margaret Rolfe.

There are lots of ways to sew the units together, especially if Bonnie Hunter’s technique is used – sew a patch as you sew-off from a previous one. A fun way to make scrap quilts. So ‘Sweet Things’ is one of them.

‘Sweet Things’ made from scraps.

These four blocks are each made up of 6 units (3 patches in a unit) and have been extended with the plain strip to make it large enough for a baby-sized charity quilt. Now at 24″ x 28″, it meets the requirements for a ‘hospital give-away’ via my guild.

‘Sweet Things’ quilting.

Quilting is with Westalee’s‘Simple Circles’ 1″ circle and Hobby Quilt’s ‘Wave & Scallop’. Makes for a lovely design.

‘Sweet Things’ back.

And there’s more … UFO #3 for 2019 is finished!


Tulasa’s Quilt

A very hot Kaffe – vibrant and bright!

Using domestic machine quilting rulers are fun and fast. This small 9 block quilt has been waiting for inspiration to strike – that’s okay, there’s a few of them quietly laying around, but this one called out to be done.

So UFO #2 for 2019 is finished!

Using Isacord thread in a matching colour lets the fabric do all the talking. After all, trying to compete with Kaffe is a tall ask!

Tulasa’s Quilt: Block 1

Tulasa’s Quilt: Back of the block showing the quilting pattern.

So a more subdued fabric on the back allows the quilting to be seen.

Tulasa’s Quilt: Block 2

Tulasa’s Quilt: Back of block 2.

Block 2 used part of Westalee Rulers ‘London Collection’.

Tulasa’s Quilt: Block 3

Tulasa’s Quilt: Back of block 3.

Oops! a tangled thread right in the middle of the back of the quilt – oh well, better finished than perfect!

Tulasa’s Quilt

This small offering is off to a new home, gladly waving goodbye after being so patient to be finished!

Which one will be next I wonder?


‘Snowflake Fury’

UFO #1 for 2019 Finished!

This one was four large blocks left over from a quilt, just laying around waiting patiently for being put together and quilted.

Joining up the blocks was the easy bit.

What quilting to put on it was the hard bit. A dark thread wouldn’t show up on the black and a light thread wouldn’t show up on the red, and ditch quilting would make it very bland.

Which thread – a variegated grey on top and in the bobbin.

What to quilt became easy using the Westalee Ruler Foot  ‘Spin-e-fex Snowflake Templates 1 and 2, and the straight edge of the 12″ arc ruler,  to make the patterns.

So the block centres became the framed snowflake…

Block centre

The centre of the quilt became a smaller version, which also sat on the centre side edges …

Centre of the quilt

While a simpler version sat along the block joins, and the corners …

Block joins

When quilted and bound it became ‘Snowflake Fury’!

‘Snowflake Fury’ – 4 large block quilt.

Now to go and pick out the next UFO project!
